Fallout shelter how to equip weapons
Fallout shelter how to equip weapons

fallout shelter how to equip weapons

Continue completing objectives to gain more rewards. Equip 1 Dweller with a Weapon/Outfit = If you were able to draw a weapon or armor from the Lunch Boxes, then do so. Collect X Resources = Just play normally, they will come eventually. Sell 1 Weapon or Outfit = It's kinda too early for this one, so either ignore or just hit the X mark before it to skip. Your Dweller is still probably weak at the moment, so once outside, tap again and Recall, hit Collect option to let him/her re-enter the vault. Send 1 Dweller to the Wasteland = Drag a dweller that is inside your vault and put him/her outside. Level Up 1 Dweller = Just wait and tap Dwellers that has a Green Up Arrow next to them. Successfully Rush 1 Room = Rush your Diner, just make sure it has nice Dwellers first though. Assign 2 Dwellers in the right room = While dragging Dwellers into rooms, a number on top of their head will appear, higher is better.

fallout shelter how to equip weapons

While following the above screenshot, complete your Objectives to boost CAPS gain and get free Lunch Boxes! Here's some example early game objectives: Once reached, remove that 2nd row Elevator so that all Elevators will only be placed on the the sides. Continue from the newly built Elevator (right) until you reach the 2nd row Elevator (left). Next, build 3 units of Power Generators and 1 Elevator.

fallout shelter how to equip weapons

Add 1 Living Quarters next to the existing Living Quarters.

Fallout shelter how to equip weapons